
Construction Building the Great Pyramid

No one really knows how the pyramids were built. Archaeologists have to look at the evidence to see how it could be done. Although we know of the famous pyramids at Giza, there are over a 100 pyramids all over Egypt. The earliest pyramids were built at Saqqara, with the oldest known to be over 4,500 years ago.

What's inside a Pyramid?

This artefact displays a 3D model of a pyramid, which when tapped will show the internal structure of the pyramid including tunnels and chambers.

Lesson Plan: Construction How was a pyramid built?

Although archaeologists are still not sure about the exact construction there are many clues to how they were constructed. This lesson explores this issue and also looks at the mechanics of how they were built using animations.

Pyramid Photo

Pyramid Photo

Pyramid Model

Egyptian Mummies and the afterlife

Why were shoes needed in the afterlife?